Bad News For The GOP: Young People Are ‘Terrifyingly’ Liberal

A conservative pollster, Frank Luntz, has done a poll amongst younger voters. He found that Americans in the 18 to 26 age group are “extremely liberal.”

“The hostility of young Americans to the underpinnings of the American economy and the American government [should] frighten every business and political leader.”

Sixty-one percent of the young people polled said they are optimistic for the future of our country. Only thirty-nine percent said that “our best days are behind us.” Their biggest concerns are “corruption,” “greed,” and “inequality.” Forty percent of those polled said Bernie Sanders is the political figure that they respect the most.

They are also not as nationalistic as previous generations. Fifty-eight percent of those polled agreed with the statement, “America isn’t better or worse than most other countries,” more than, “America is exceptional. It’s better than every other country in the world.”

Another question they were asked is:

“Which type of political system do you think is the most compassionate?”

Fifty-eight percent said socialism, and nine percent say communism. Only thirty-three percent said capitalism. Their biggest reported worry was:

“The widening gap between the rich and poor. The rich aren’t paying their fair share and the poor are suffering.” 

Lundtz is calling younger voters the “Snapchat Generation;” this just proves how out of touch his party is. His memo points out some of the life experiences of younger generations. He pointed out that many of us were school-age during 9/11, and many of us were in middle and high school when the banks collapsed. Lundtz points out that this is why seventy-five percent of younger people think that they will do better financially than their parents.

The poll findings just show how the GOP is not winning the young Millennial voters.

Featured image via Graphicstock.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog