It is commonly known that public schools are underfunded. The situation in Detroit are so extreme that teachers have resorted to sickouts as a form of protest. The schools are unsafe. There’s broken flooring and moldy food. Conditions really are deplorable.

Which is why it makes me so angry that someone would steal millions from an already struggling school district.

Norman Shy was a school supply vendor for Detroit Public Schools. He billed the school system for $5 million dollars, with $2.7 million being illegitimate charges. He paid off 12 principals and one administrator to the tune of $908,500 in bribes and kickbacks.

In 2002, he built his custom mansion with money he stole from the school district. After the mansion was completed, he proceeded to sue eight contractors for more than $500,000 for “poor workmanship.” The cases were settled for far less, so Shy was able to save money on the mansion he had built with stolen money. He then sold the home for $2.4 million.

Christopher Andreoff, Shy’s lawyer gave the following statement:

“We are attempting to resolve the manner to minimize any expense on behalf of the government, and there are issues that we are trying to resolve relating to any indebtedness to (Detroit Public Schools). He’s an older man; he’s 74 years old. He has some major health considerations. This will be a horrible financial setback for him and his family.”

I cannot, with out an extensive use of profanity, explain how angry this makes me. HE feels bad? HIS family will have a horrible financial setback? What about all the kids that have been screwed over for the past 14 years due to his greed? What about the teachers who have had to use their own money to buy supplies because there is no budget? What about those horrible financial setbacks?

This man should be sued into the ground, have all of his assets sold and all the money going to the school districts he robbed.


Featured image via Getty/Bill Pugliano