Donald Trump has been very clear.  He refuses to rely on PACs or SuperPACs. He calls them a “scam.” He loves to claim that he is funding his own campaign.

According to the Associated Press, Donald Trump recently filed a letter with the FEC saying that he will not be associated with any group that uses his “name, image, likeness, or slogans in connection with soliciting contributions.”

So what do you call a collaboration of Trump supporting groups that bands together in his name, collects money, runs ads for him and plans to rally for him in and outside of the GOP Convention?

Looks like Mr. Trump is being slippery at best and is lying at worst. A number of pro-Trump groups have in fact come together to form the super group “Stop the Steal“. They plan to march on Cleveland to make sure that the Republican Party elite don’t try to “steal” the nomination from their guy. They plan to hold rallies, marches and protests for all four days of the Convention.

With names such as Truckers for Trump, Bikers for Trump, and Citizens for Trump, the group is certainly using his name. And they are most definitely asking for contributions.

The other problem with this back up plan by Stop the Steal is that they are being pretty coy about just how they plan to behave.

While the website says, “Nonviolent Peaceful March and Rally,” the rhetoric coming from the group spokespeople is much more sinister. In an interview with Breitbart news, Trump ally and former campaign employee Roger Stone referred to the march as “our days of rage.” Hardly a peaceful image. He was asked recently by GQ Magazine about whether or not he thought that riots would break out if Trump was not the nominee. His reply was chilling:

I think there’d be extreme anger by the Trump supporters. I don’t know that it would boil over into violence.”

And remember that this guy Stone was the same one who urged Trump supporters to go to the hotel rooms of any delegates who switch from Trump to another candidate. In his words:

“We’re going to have protests, demonstrations. We will disclose the hotels and the room numbers of those delegates who are directly involved in the steal. If you’re from Pennsylvania, we’ll tell you who the culprits are. We urge you to visit their hotel and find them.”

So here we have Donald Trump being cute about the use of PACs. He winks at his buddies who use his name and his face to raise money in his support, all the while insisting that he refuses PAC money.

Here we also have his “We-Are-Not-A-PAC” following his lead and making threats if Donald doesn’t get his way.

Well. I’m sure glad that Trump has decided to be more “Presidential”.

Watch Roger Stone here:


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