Clueless O’Reilly Refuses To Admit His Own Role In Creating Donald Trump (Video)

Last night on Stephen Colbert’s show, Bill O’Reilly proved his own inability when it comes to self-examination and taking blame for a situation he and many of the other dimwitted lemmings at Fox News have helped to create: the meteoric rise of Donald Trump as the GOP front-runner.

Colbert began by asking O’Reilly:

“If you know the guy, does it comfort you — like, since you know the guy personally and, if you’ve known him for years — does it comfort you to think that this is going to be one of the two major-party candidates? Because that’s a reasonable shot at being president.”

O’Reilly, in his own arrogant asshole way, said GOP voters had chosen Trump for one reason:

“The people in the Republican Party want Donald Trump for one reason: They want to blow the whole establishment up. That’s why he’s gotten where he’s gotten.”

Colbert also told O’Reilly that the country was becoming more progressive, which is a far cry from what Trump offers:

“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being conservative, per se, but it is always a losing battle — because the culture always changes. We don’t speak Middle English anymore.”

This led O’Reilly to pontificate that many Americans don’t like the direction the country is going in, and then he added this:

“It’s all (bullshit) and the folks know it. The anti-illegal alien stuff is (bullshit), because you shouldn’t be anti-illegal aliens — that doesn’t solve any problems.”

So Trump is full of shit, Bill? Have you ever bothered to tell him that when he’s been on your show? Of course not, because you’re afraid he might never come back.

At another point, Colbert attempted to ask a question of O’Reilly, but the pompous Fox News host told him he should listen more. To that, Colbert replied:

“Oh, boy. I’ve been listening, I’ve been very good.”

Near the end of the interview, O’Reilly said he didn’t want to get into too much detail while discussing policy with Colbert because it might get too complicated for Colbert to understand. Colbert grabbed a magic marker and began inhaling the fumes, telling O’Reilly:

“Hold on a second, let me see if I understand you. Go quickly, go quickly before it wears off.”

And that’s how you expose a piece of excrement like Bill O’Reilly for the foolish jackass he is and always will be: You make him the butt of the joke and he cannot even realize he’s being made fun of.

Here’s the interview:

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