The OCWeekly is what’s known as an “alternative newspaper,” and on this week’s issue its editor-in-chief, Gustavo Arellano, decided to take some of the ugly lies and myths Donald Trump has promulgated over the past several months head on. The result is this hilarious cover:


Oh no they didn’t! Oh yes they did, and it’s freaking awesome!

Arellano wrote an accompanying commentary in which he notes:

“For more than a year, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee has peddled all sorts of nasty myths against Mexicans, from painting undocumented immigrants as rapists and Typhoid Marias to insisting a massive wall on the U.S.-Mexico border will make America great again.”

The donkey in the illustration serves a dual purpose: One, it’s the symbol of the Democratic Party, which looks to take Trump for a ride and leave him high and dry when Election Day rolls around. Secondly, it’s also part of the urban myth in the United States that so-called “donkey shows” are easily found across the border. In those, a woman and a donkey allegedly get to know each other in the Biblical sense.

Arellano also had this to say about Trump:

“His campaign has grown as grotesque as a donkey show, those Tijuana spectacles that exist only in the fevered minds of gabachos, and it made a stop in Costa Mesa last week, with Trump the featured star and the Weekly documenting every scream, punch and lie. So it’s also only fitting legendary cartoonista Lalo Alcaraz capture the moment, you know?”

And the donkey mounting the Donald has another meaning that anyone who despises Trump  can appreciate:

“Democrats violating Trump from behind is what he can expect when he faces Hillary Clinton come November. Enjoy our package, and don’t forget to register to vote!”

Yes, register and vote. America cannot afford to let Trump anywhere near the White House. Not now, not ever.

Featured Image Via Lalo Alcaraz, Design by Dustin Ames/OC Weekly