Yes, the GOP race for the White House is officially over. Donald Trump is now the presumptive nominee, and the field has been cleared with the end of the campaigns of Ted Cruz and John Kasich. To quote the Grateful Dead, “What a long, strange trip its been.”

Time for a retrospective, don’t you think? Well, Conan O’Brien has that covered. Last night on his show, as somber piano music played, Conan went through the list  of failed GOP contenders and what doomed them:

  • Mike Huckabee: “No one gave a F*ckabee.”
  • Carly Fiorina: “Fell off [the] world stage.”
  • Rick Santorum: “Choked on Santorum. Google it.”
  • Chris Christie: “Drowned in chocolate river.”
  • Ted Cruz: Wooden stake through heart.”

Yes, the GOP clown car now has only one occupant, and he’s the biggest joke of them all.

Here’s the segment from O’Brien’s show. Be warned, it’s laugh out loud funny:

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