Order of Yoni might be marketing ingenuity, or just onto something, but the beer company offers drinks crafted with ingredients derived from vaginal secretions. The German company does not explicitly show how ingredients are harvested, but have several visual cues to showcase the process.

The beer company notes that a gynecological stick is scraped along the vaginal walls of Czech model Alexandra Brendlova. The lactic acid is then separated from this stick, with bacteria being isolated and cleaned. Then the company claims to multiply this bacteria, mix it with malt, yeast. and all the essential ingredients that make beer – with the final product that has flavors akin to female “instincts.”

The Purported Benefits

Steeped in marketing jargon, the beer company notes that their drinks are flavored with “instincts,” allowing the drinker to free their fantasies. But are there any benefits to consuming vaginal secretions that are backed by science?

In fact, there may be benefits in consuming the trace elements that happen to be found in vaginal fluid. There are several bio-regulating chemicals that can improve one’s well-being. It’s necessary to emphasize that what two consenting adults do in private is not anyone’s business. However, it is important to be cognizant of the fact that bodily fluids can carry disease-carrying pathogens, so caution is in order when consuming vaginal secretions–from the original source, or from crafted beers.

This Isn’t The First Time

A graduate student at the University of Wisconsin has made yogurt from her vaginal secretions, utilizing the power of the lactobacillus organism naturally found in the vagina. Lactobacillus is a necessary ingredient in stabilizing the gut’s bacterial equilibrium – and it’s also a key component in yogurt making.

Order of Yoni taps into an enthused – albeit reticent – group of people who have used bodily fluids to not only make yogurt but whole breakfast meals. The vagina is simply a treasure trove of probiotic properties, and some people are realizing that it can be a key ingredient in many dishes.

Featured image by Ed Uthman on Flickr available under an Attribution 2.0 Generic license.