Just in time for Mother’s Day, the newly “presidential” Donald Trump has announced that “petrified” men are the truly oppressed sex in America. And who knows? Maybe the world.

Speaking at a rally in Spokane, Washington on Saturday, Trump defended his attack on Hillary Clinton for playing the “woman card,” by playing what might be called “the man card.”

“I mean all of the men, we’re petrified to speak to women anymore. We may raise our voice. You know what, the women get it better than we do, folks, alright? They get it better than we do. Look, we’re living in the real world. This political correctness is killing our country.”

Trump, of course, went on to boast about his totally awesome respect for women:

“Trump added that ‘there is nobody, or certainly very few, that have promoted women within my big company [more] than I have.’ Mentioning that he probably should not being saying this, the billionaire businessman said he has gone as far as paying women working for him more than men doing comparable jobs. ‘I have women that make more money than men doing a comparable job. Men, am I okay saying that? And they’re fantastic,’ Trump said.”

Just think about what Trump is saying – and not saying – here. He’s not arguing that women deserved any of those promotions or even the salaries he has so generously (in his mind) handed out to them. Trump is sending a dog whistle to men that he’s a male victim, too. Women may be “fantastic” but they are getting over within his “big company,” like they are everywhere else, just because they’re women.

Welcome to the “more presidential,” Mother’s Day version of Donald Trump.

Something tells me it’s not going to help him improve his dismal approval numbers from women.


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