Woman Who Abused Trans Lady On NYC Subway ‘Still Offended’ (VIDEO)

Last week, I wrote a story about a transgender woman who was attacked on the NYC subway. Pearl Love, a Taiwanese transgender woman, was verbally then physically attacked on the subway. This woman was screaming obscenities at Ms. Love and even attacked her. She was yelling obscenities such as, “Suck my d**k, motherf*cker!”

The incident even prompted a response from Hillary Clinton:

via advocate.com
via advocate.com

Well, this woman has not learned her lesson! She is still saying she meant what she said and SHE is offended. Yes, she assaulted someone, but she’s offended. That’s not how this works, lady. She is the one that started screaming obscenities and assaulting Ms. Love.

The attacker, Sarah Eldridge, is calling for people not to judge her. It’s a little late for that, Sarah. You judged a woman over her lifestyle. This innocent lady is just trying to live her life. Ms. Love DEFINITELY deserves an apology, but she is probably not going to get one.

The other train riders didn’t do anything! They just watched the attack and let it happen.

Love has suffered multiple attacks for being transgender. She was the victim of a brutal stabbing attack a few years ago.

Of the incident, Love said:

“She gets even louder and even aggressive and I did not say anything. I don’t even know who she is, she doesn’t know who I am and [finally] then she stood up, got so mad and hit me.”

The encounter escalated because Love wouldn’t stop filming. This horribly transphobic person needs to be exposed for her ignorance.

This transphobic hate has GOT to stop!


Featured image via Pix11 Video.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog weneedtotalkaboutmentalhealth.com