More Toilet Madness As Mom Warns Of Devil Raping Our Kids (Video)

Yet another insane homophobe has been filmed screaming about the danger posed by transgender people who need to answer nature’s call while in a public place.

This time the woman was found in a Target Department store screaming about the menace in the bathroom. She was, predictably, waving a Bible over her head as she ranted her way through the store. RawStory reports that the woman made her way through the crowd of customers shouting:

“Attention Target customers!! “

The video was clearly shot by one of her entourage, trailing along behind her. The woman is flanked by an unidentified troop of followers, some of whom are young children. There are a couple of large men alongside of her, too.

As so often happens, the woman is using the excuse of “protecting children” to spew her venom in public. She warns people not to be taken in by Target’s display of Mother’s Day gifts, because Target clearly does not love families.

“And they’ve proven it by opening up their bathrooms to perverted men!”

(Apparently she is unaware that there are transgender men in the bathroom with her sons, but that’s another story.)

The raging woman makes her Bible-waving way through the store, getting more and more worked up as she goes. Her voice rises and gets more harsh. Her long, long braid swings across her broad back. She aims her rant at the other mothers, yelling at them:

“Mothers!!! Mothers! Have enough decency to get your children out of this store, its a dangerous place!”

She goes on and on, getting more agitated with each step.

“This is wicked! This is abominable in the sight of God!”

And then:

“Are you gonna let the Devil rape your children, America?!”

Devil raping?!? There seems to be more rage about people peeing in the “wrong” toilet than there is about babies shooting each other with grandpa’s guns.

As horrifying, chilling, and disgusting as the video is, it was at least heartening to see that several customers were arguing with the mob of crazies.  You can’t hear much of what they say, but you can hear the other members of the woman’s pack yelling back at them.

This woman is the mother of 12 innocent children, she says. If exposing them to her vile hateful brainwashing isn’t child abuse, than I’m not sure what is.

And if I had been a customer with children in that store, I would have dragged them away from the crazy, screaming, Bible thumper long before I worried about who was peeing in the next stall.

Featured image via YouTube .

Karen is a retired elementary school teacher with many years of progressive activism behind her. She is the proud mother of three young adults who were all arrested with Occupy Wall Street. To see what she writes about in her spare time, check out her blog at "Empty Nest, Full Life"