You may have clicked on this story because of the catchy headline.
There’s no denying the fact that this is a story that brings out the laughs and the middle school jokes like, “For most men, the heart is the second favorite organ!” Nyuk, Nyuk.
But the topic is actually a serious one, and the story is truly remarkable.
The New York Times reported today that a 64-year-old man from Massachusetts received the country’s first penis transplant. In 2012, this gentleman suffered a serious injury on the job.
During the course of being treated, it was discovered that he was also suffering from cancer of the penis. Removal of the penis was part of his treatment.
Thomas Manning is now fully recovered from his cancer, but felt that he was living his life as only part of who he had always been. He said:
“I want to go back to being who I was.”
Doctors at Mass General Hospital in Boston performed the 15-hour experimental surgery on May 8 and May 9. In an interview shown on CBS Boston, the doctors explained that Mr. Manning was a perfect candidate for the groundbreaking surgery because of his upbeat attitude, his strong will to recover and regain a normal life, and his willingness to go public with his story.
Mr. Manning was happy to answer any and all questions when interviewed after the surgery by the New York Times. He wants to help other men who have suffered similar injuries. He wants to help remove the shame and embarrassment that goes along with losing such a vital part of a man’s identity.
Doctors are particularly hopeful that this type of surgery will benefit some of the soldiers who have suffered genital injuries in the recent wars.

Mr. Manning urges other men in his situation to stay positive and to be open about their situation. He says:
“Don’t hide under a rock.”
Now that the surgery has been completed and Mr. Manning is on his way to recovery, we can turn to the big question that has to be on your mind:
Yes, doctors are optimistic that the organ will work the way nature intended it to. Within a few weeks all systems should be “go.”
We’re only left to wonder how old the donor was, and if that will have any impact on the function of the, ahem, “new member.”