Lesbian Couple Invites The Obamas To Their Wedding (VIDEO)

A couple, Chelsea Rodin and Lisa Hirschpek, invited the First Family to their wedding on the off-chance they might respond, and they did. The lovely card the couple received had this written on it:

“Congratulations to you on your wedding day. May this special time be blessed with love, laughter, and happiness. We wish you all the best as you embark on your journey together, and we hope your bond grows stronger with each passing year. Sincerely, Barack Obama and Michelle Obama.”

President Obama has been a champion for LGBT rights during his second term as president. When the Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay marriage, the president remarked that it “made our union a little more perfect.” More recently, Obama spoke out against North Carolina’s HB2 bill at a town hall in London.

Many people would say no to attending a gay wedding and a lot of businesses have refused to provide services for gay weddings. A gay couple in Ohio got a nasty, threatening response after sending out their wedding invitations.

Someone the couple had invited to their wedding threatened to come and protest. This is what was written on the hateful message:

“Hello Keith Alan and Chad Michael–

Just wanted to you both know, you have sent an invitation to the wrong people. You thought we supported you as a couple, well boys you were so wrong!

Your invitations were forwarded to an anti gay group in Canton Akron area, they will be attending your wedding. Protesters will be there. It’s not normal for 2 men to marry.

What is wrong with you? It’s a sin!!!!

Some of your friends are only coming to your so called wedding to help in the protest. Like it or not, this is going to happen. This day is going to be ruined for you. This is going to be a fun show to watch. You both are going to get what you deserve.


I’m glad the First Family showed some kindness and class to the couple that sent them the letter.

Here are the remarks Obama made after the gay marriage ruling came down:

Featured image by Aleksandar Cocek via Flickr, available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog weneedtotalkaboutmentalhealth.com