Trump’s Proposed SCOTUS Nominee Relentlessly, Hilariously Mocks The Donald On Twitter

Yesterday, Donald Trump released a list of eleven judges he said he would consider for appointment to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) if–God forbid–the Donald happened to be elected President.

One of those on the list– Don Willett–is already a member of another Supreme Court: the state Supreme Court in Texas. Willett is a close friend of Texas Senator Ted Cruz, and, much like Donald Trump, he’s also a prolific tweeter. Here’s some of his tweets regarding the presumptive GOP nominee:








Memo to Donald Trump: Judge Willett might not be the perfect pick for the Supreme Court. I’m not even sure he’d return your phone call, and even if he did, he’d take to Twitter and make fun of you. It’s called karma, Donald, and it’s a real son of a gun.

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