Watch Seth Myers: ‘Bernie Sanders Is A Brain-Eating Spoiler Zombie’ (VIDEO)

We’ve been hearing all week from the political talking heads that the Sanders campaign is dead. We’ve heard them say that he’s a “zombie” candidate, not dead yet but still doing damage to the Democrats everywhere he goes. They  compare him to Ralph Nader, who is believed to have swung the 2000 election to Dubya by acting as a spoiler.

Seth Myers disagrees.

RawStory took a look at how Myers presented the “Bernie is dead” message of the past week. He definitely isn’t seeing Bernie as the same kind of spoiler that Nader was back in 2000.  He points out that while Nader never won a single state, Bernie has won 20. Big difference!

He went on to say that Bernie’s energy and his powerful message have garnered huge crowds and earned him lots of very dedicated followers.

“Bernie Sanders is not a zombie candidate, although it’s fun to picture him as one.‘The top 1 percent of the zombies are getting 99 percent of the brains!’ So Bernie Sanders is a brain-eating, Nader-esque spoiler zombie. Next, they’re going to start calling him ‘Becky with the good hair.’”

Myers also reminded his audience that, in 2008, Clinton and Obama were in a very similar tight race. That time the nomination was not decided until the very last primary. And just like this year many of Hillary’s supporters vowed that they would never vote for Obama. But when it came right down to casting that vote, they did support him over John McCain.

Of course, this was Seth Myers, the very funny Seth Myers, so the video also features a bunch of hilarious lines. For example, Myers says that Bernie is still campaigning really hard. In fact, he says, Bernie even stopped at a prom in Kentucky to pose for pictures with the kids.

YouTube Screengrab
YouTube Screengrab

“What’s the biggest Bernie Sanders accomplishment? That a democratic socialist has run such a successful campaign, or that it’s now cool to take a picture at prom with a guy who looks like that. He looks like the bad guy in a prom movie on the Disney Channel.”

So now that we all have the image of zombie Bernie in our heads, let’s watch the whole video. Its both funny and very accurate!

Featured image by Timothy Krause via Flickr. Available through Creative Commons license 2.0

Karen is a retired elementary school teacher with many years of progressive activism behind her. She is the proud mother of three young adults who were all arrested with Occupy Wall Street. To see what she writes about in her spare time, check out her blog at "Empty Nest, Full Life"