Several states have been in the news recently for their hatred toward the LGBT community. North Carolina has been focusing on the “T” part. It passed the ridiculous HB2 law forcing transgender people to use the bathrooms corresponding to their birth gender, and not their gender identity. In April, Mississippi jumped on board the transgender hate bus with its own law that allows businesses to discriminate against anyone they please. Many companies are boycotting these states. One porn website even said it will not allow users in North Carolina to use their website.

Keeping this in mind, you may be surprised to learn that these two states (among others) have the highest viewership of gay porn in the country. Three of the top five states with the highest rate of gay porn viewership are in The South.

This information was gleaned from a Pornhub survey, but this is not the first time these results have been found. The people in The South are so repressed from abstinence-only sex education, so they might just be curious about how these acts work.

According to this CNBC poll, Mississippi has the third highest pornography viewership of all porn in the country with 4.3 porn subscriptions per 1,000 broadband users. Alaska was number two with 5.03 subscriptions per 1,000 users. Surprise, surprise, Utah ranked number one with 5.47 subscriptions per 1,000 users.

Before the same-sex marriage ruling came down, states that had made it illegal had the highest rates of gay porn viewership. A Buzzfeed report said that every state in The South has higher rates of porn viewership. This is how they got the data:

“We pulled terms and traffic to gay searches. We couldn’t break down ‘lesbian’ because we don’t track our users on a micro-granular level (i.e., gender, sexual orientation, etc.). So for example, lesbian searches can account for, like, 40% of a city’s searches, but 80% of those searchers may likely be men.”

Here is their graph of the percentages across the country:

Image Via Buzzfeed

Here is a news report about the subject:

Featured image by Abraham Williams via Flickr, available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license.