A photo of a breastfeeding mom at a Bernie Sanders rally is going viral. Margaret Ellen Bradford said on Facebook that the baby got hungry during the rally, so she fed her daughter during the speech. She even met Bernie and Jane Sanders when they came over to thank her for being a good mom. She didn’t realize anyone was photographing her.

The image has made its rounds on the internet. It sparked a new hashtag, #BoobsForBernie.
Bradford even made it into a tweet from the Sanders campaign.
As a society, we should never stigmatize women for breastfeeding in public. https://t.co/I08wzGrdWH
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) March 3, 2016
She said she has gotten some hate mail, too. However, she said in her Facebook post that there were a lot more letters of support.
The issue of women breastfeeding in public has always brought controversy. Many people are grossed out by it and think moms should cover up or go to the restroom and do it.
Some judges have even tried to rule against it. A judge in Australia ruled that a new mom should not be allowed to breastfeed her child because she had gotten a tattoo recently. That woman had been tested for HIV and Hepatitis B, but the judge didn’t think that was good enough.
A politician in New Hampshire even thought men would use breastfeeding as a license to grab a woman’s nipples. They were trying to make it a misdemeanor for a woman to expose her nipples in public. Moore said this disgusting remark about the law:
“Who doesn’t support a mother’s right to feed? Don’t give me the liberal talking points, Amanda. If it’s a woman’s natural inclination to pull her nipple out in public and you support that, than you should have no problem with a man’s [inclination] to stare at it and grab it. After all, it’s ALL relative and natural, right?”
I guess men shouldn’t be expected to show restraint in public. Women are supposed to be supremely uncomfortable in order to keep men from groping them.
For a news clip about the Bernie event, see the video below:
Featured image via Facebook post