Bill Maher On Megyn Kelly’s Interview With Trump: ‘A Profile In Cowardice’

On his HBO show “Real Time’ last night, Bill Maher let it be known how pathetic he thought Megyn Kelly’s recent interview with presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump had been.

Kelly, you no doubt recall, has had more than her share of run-ins with Trump, pressing him in an early Republican nominee on some of the disgusting and sexist things he’s said about women over the years. But when Kelly sat down with the Orange Menace last month, she was as timid as a church mouse, not asking any tough questions. This led Maher to note that Kelly basically begged Trump for an interview, and then he added:

“You know what was out-of-bounds? Journalism.”

Maher also said that the Kelly-Trump interview was:

“A profile in cowardice.”

It’s hard to argue with Maher’s critique of how Kelly treated Trump. Yes, she asked about some of the less than flattering things he said about her, but she didn’t hold him accountable for the things he’s said about other women over the course of his life. Kelly wanted an interview, and you have to wonder if she agreed to certain stipulations in advance regarding the kinds of questions she would ask.

This week the media finally woke up and began to actively criticize and fact-check Trump and his brainless surrogates. The bloom is off the rose we know as Trump 2016. The man is a boor, a jerk, a congenital liar, a bully, and a threat to the very freedoms we all cherish as Americans. He must be defeated now and each day that precedes the final judgment which will be rendered on Election Day in November.

Here’s the “Real Time” segment:

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