The Death Of Muhammad Ali Brings Out Racist Trolls In Droves On Social Media

I don’t claim to be a boxing expert, because I’m most certainly not. But I do know this to be a fact: Muhammad Ali was the greatest fighter I ever saw. No one even comes close. He could move, he could punch, he could endure, and he had the heart of a lion. His death is a gigantic loss.

But despite the mourning taking place across the globe for this great man, this humanitarian, this civil rights icon, some people decided to take to social media and attempt to slag the memory of this hero. Here’s a sampling of the hatred being vomited out by individuals who need to hide their heads in shame:

Over on Yahoo Sports, this rambling rant was posted by someone calling himself Silenzio:

“I never had much use for this guy. I was drafted in 69′. I served my country. At the time, right out of high school I did have a job and was driving a Volkswagen (A Cadillac was never a goal of mine). I had to drive through a Black ghetto to get to work every day. I didn’t like getting harassed from these people. I didn’t do anything to them, just drove down a city street to get to work. I lived in the USA the same as them. This guy had the money to leave and migrate to a country that would accept him better. I didn’t. To read this stuff about him makes me angry. He got to represent his country in the Olympics. Made a lot money. Was successful. But this big man was scared to death to fight for his country. God paid him back with Parkinson’s disease.”

Just when you think people cannot possibly get more vile, more filled with hate, they prove you wrong and lower the bar once again.

h/t RawStory

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