This Crazy-Cakes Televangelist Thinks He Knows The Cause Of Homosexuality (VIDEO)

Televangelist Larry Tomczak wants to know if you are a “practicing homosexual.” If so, you will be going to hell. He has a disclaimer with his bigotry, though. His bigotry is not really mean bigotry:

“I approach this subject not as an angry, mean-spirited extremist but rather in a spirit of humility, as a would-be friend of both supporters and opponents… I want to be part of the generation arising that is not so much imposing but proposing a better way that really does lead to peace, freedom and long-term happiness in human relationships.”

We have been all caught up in the transgender bathroom debate. The governor of North Carolina wants to go so far as to rewrite the Civil Rights Act because he wants to segregate bathrooms.

We still have to fight for gay people to have rights as well. We had the Supreme Court rule in favor of gay marriage, but some states still don’t want to comply with the ruling.

Back to Tomczak, the not-bigot bigot, who has a list of the causes of homosexuality:

  • A person’s self-will;
  • Home environment is dysfunctional;
  • Abuse of a child or spouse;
  • Seduction by peers or authority figures. According to some studies, some 85 percent of lesbians and 40 percent of gay men were abused, molested, or seduced by people of their own sex while they were children;
  • Influence from the media;
  • Reading pornography;
  • Taking drugs;
  • Father figure absent from a child’s life;
  • Experimentation during childhood, and
  • Identity confusion, or “misunderstanding ‘artistic bent.'”

Of course, he doesn’t have any citations in this article. He presents other reasons why gay people can’t be Christians. Not only does this bigot write for the website CharismaNews, he is also an associate pastor at a church in Tennessee.

Tomczak is included in a lawsuit filed against the leaders of Sovereign Grace Ministries. He was allegedly involved in the sexual assault of as many as eight women with plastic and wooden sticks. This abuse is said to have happened at a Christian school in Gaithersburg, Maryland, in the ’80s and ’90s.

He said he didn’t have any involvement in the assault of these women. However, he sells a book on his website called “The Little Handbook on Loving Correction.” In this ugly text, he calls for parents to beat their children with sticks.

There has been a BIG debate for many years about the causes of homosexual attraction. Many Conservatives believe that it is a choice and use this to paint gay people as sinners who have made a choice to be gay. Ben Carson said that it is “absolutely a choice” during his campaign.

The jury is still out on what causes it. Scientists have said that homosexuality can have genetic causes and/or environmental causes based on how a person grew up. In previous decades, homosexuality was believed to be a mental disorder, but it is not, according to the American Psychological Association.

Featured image by Kevin Dooley via Flickr, available under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog