Maine’s Tea Party Darling, Governor Paul LePage, proved again just how much of an idiot he is. This time, a constituent schooled Gov. LePage on how his own state Medicaid programs and policies work, and she did it in the most humiliating of ways – during a live Maine Public Radio Network broadcast, according to the Maine Beacon.

Speaking on MPRN’s May 25 Maine Calling program, Gov. LePage explained he vetoed the MaineCare expansion no fewer than five times because no one would be helped me it. There’s simply no point, he said.

How Do The State Medicaid Programs Work?

The Maine Beacon reported that Gov. LePage claimed Maine doesn’t qualify for the federal reimbursements. This actually isn’t true. Maine qualifies, but Gov. LePage at the helm changes everything, as he cut off as many people as he could from healthcare, even after not expanding the state Medicaid programs.

Gov. LePage’s constituents are sick of him and his incompetence. They are so sick that during the Maine Calling program, a constituent called in to school the idiot governor about how his own state Medicaid programs and policies work.

Identified as Laura, she told Gov. LePage that she fell into the insurance gap, and as a result has no healthcare even after applying three times. She said, according to the recording,

LePage is wrong in saying that people aren’t affected or that wouldn’t get the insurance. I would get the insurance if we [Maine] accepted that money federally.”

The governor jumped in and cut her off in an attempt to take control of a conversation he couldn’t stand to listen to any longer, saying:

But why don’t you now? Why don’t you qualify now?”

Laura answered him, and it’s truly amazing how much more intelligent she is compared to Gov. LePage. She said,

… I make too little money to be on Obamacare. It’s expected that if you go to Obamacare that you’re goign [sic] to make a certain amount of money so you can afford the premiums. But if you make $11,500 a year…

That’s when Gov. LePage, the arrogant asshat that he is, cut her off because she was speaking a bit of truth he didn’t like – and he had the nerve to imply she was lying when he kept saying over and over again, “that’s not true, that’s not true.”

Gov. LePage Singlehandedly Screws Mainers

The governor seems to forget that he cut single, childless adults from the state Medicaid programs back in 2012, and then cut even more people off in 2013 when he scaled back the poverty level to 138 percent from 200 percent, according to the Bangor Daily News.

He then further kicked Mainers off the rolls by lowering the poverty level to 100 percent – because he was afraid that 55,000 Mainers might get the healthcare they needed, according to the report.

Gov. LePage truly does not give enough of a shit about Mainers to let them access the state Medicaid programs and other healthcare they need.

Sorry, governor. You can say “it isn’t true,” and click your heels while saying it as much as you want, but it doesn’t change the fact that it is true – and it’s your fault that Laura and 60,000 other Mainers don’t have healthcare.

You made it happen personally, and now, 157 more people will die every year as a result of not expanding your state’s Medicaid programs.

Listen to Gov. LePage make an idiot of himself on the Maine Calling here.

Watch Gov. LePage make a fool of himself on The Rachael Maddow Show:

Featured Image: Screenshot Via Maine Public Broadcasting Network.