New Hulu Cartoons With LGBT Characters Will Make Conservative Heads Explode In 3, 2, 1…

We have been seeing more and more LGBT characters on television, in movies, and cartoons. It’s good to see the LGBT community being portrayed as regular people. Shows like Modern Family, portray the gay couple as happy parentsGrey’s Anatomy had a gay couple raising a child with a man (the man who fathered the child).

Recently, we have had LGBT characters appearing in more movies, televisions shows, and books. Some of these things are children’s stories.

There is a growing group online who are trying to get Walt Disney Pictures to give Elsa a girlfriend in the Frozen sequel. You can express your approval with #GiveElsaAGirlfriend. Disney has not commented on this.

There are a couple of children’s books out there with same-sex characters. One is called Heather Has Two Mommiesand the other one is King and King.

Hulu has been releasing a series of fairy tale cartoons with LGBT characters by children’s author and founder of Pajama Publishing, Daniel Errico.

The latest one, Rosaline, is a short cartoon movie about a lesbian princess. She deflects classic fairy tale threats such as a fairy godmother who wants to set her up with a prince.

It is a classic fairy tale; the only difference is that the main character, Rosaline, ends up with a beautiful princess at the end instead of a prince.

Errico had this to say about it in an interview with the Huffington Post:

“Historically, kids’ media shies away from LGBT love, marriage and identity, which can cause an imbalance … We are missing an opportunity to foster children’s natural ability to accept and understand themselves and others, and that can have serious consequences later on in life. I grew up with stories I could relate to that affected my sense of self in a positive way, and every child deserves the same chance.”

You can see the 4-minute short in its entirety at this link.

The video below is a YouTuber’s happy reaction to the tweet about Elsa having a girlfriend.

Featured image Screengrab of Rosaline Via Hulu.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog