Trump Gives Anti-Clinton Speech–Social Media Rips Him A New One

Today Donald Trump decided to finally take to the podium and give a formal response to some of the things presumptive Democratic nominee has been saying about him over the past few weeks. So there he was with his prepared speech and teleprompter, doing his best to regain some relevance as his campaign flounders about.

As you might expect, it was the usual Trump boilerplate: Build a wall, make America great (already is, Donald!), and there was even this bit of lunacy when made the unproven allegation that Hillary Clinton would create “totally open borders for the United States.”

But it was social media–Trump’s favorite mode of communication–that had the best criticism of Trump’s speech, as you can see:


Also, as Trump spoke, on several occasions there were audible inhalations of air through his nose and mouth, and that did not go unnoticed:

Then the focus turned to what a “yuuuuuuuuge” hypocrite Trump is:

Donald Trump may think he struck back today against Hillary Clinton, but he’s still way behind in the war of words, and she’s a lot better debater than he can ever hope to be. In other words, he’s a fool, and he will continue to prove that fact every single time he opens that big yap of his.

Featured Image Via Gage Skidmore for Flickr available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License