This epically funny Australian advertisement is poking fun at Donald Trump’s wall. The commercial is for a new 360-degree camera called 360Fly. The premise is that Trump is president (I know it’s scary) and he’s unveiling his wall.

He’s talking about how great it is and how it will keep the Mexicans out of the country.

However, you can see people climbing up a hole from underneath the wall. One of them even uses leaf blowers and flies himself over the wall. Unfortunately, the Mexican people portrayed in the commercial are racist caricatures of Mexican stereotypes. Many networks have banned it.

Peter Adderton, 360Fly’s CEO, said:

“I was honestly shocked when some networks said no. This ad isn’t so edgy. It’s an open message.”

The networks that banned the commercial refused to elaborate on why. However, it is likely that they wanted to stay politically neutral.

Mike Nelson, a spokesman for KCBS-TV, said:

“It’s our policy not to comment on specific spots, but all spots are reviewed to ensure that they meet the standards and expectations of our local viewing audience.”

Adderton also said:

“I talk to Republicans and Democrats and independents, and everyone has got a singular point of view and is not willing to look at others’ point of view. But there are multiple sides which need a 360 approach.”

He also added:

“We want to get our name out there and our brand out there and this is how we’re trying to do it.”

This is not the only crazy Trump commercial being done. L.A. artist Mike Diva made a commercial for Trump and made it look like a Japanese TV Spot.

Check this weirdness out:

Here are a couple of the user reactions to the video above:

“This not Anti Trump at all. If you’re familiar with Japanese entertainment… they do a lot of weird things and make fun of everything.”

“Don’t try to make sense of Japanese entertainment because there is no sense in it. Just enjoy it.”

Here is the Australian commercial:

Featured image via YouTube screengrab.