Showing solidarity, the survivors of the 2013 Boston bombing visited the survivor of the biggest massacre in American history. Many survivors of the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando are still recuperating.
Several patients are still recuperating at the Orlando Regional Medical Center, which was the designated hospital facility immediately after the massacre. Omar Mateen attacked patrons at the Orlando nightclub, killing more than 50 people. Many people point at his religion, his convoluted sexual orientation, homophobia, and fragile masculinity as contributors to the horrific accident, but none have nailed down the exact reasoning behind this horrific act.
10 survivors of the 2013 Boston bombing were accompanied by several service dogs to offer some emotional support, as well as to showcase solidarity between survivors of these two horrendous incidents. It is common for post-traumatic stress disorder to take hold of survivors of deadly tragedies. It can be crippling, with many people not being emotionally equipped to deal with it. Many of the people who have survived the Boston bombing understand the long-term effects of PTSD, and are the opportune individuals to help the Pulse nightclub survivors to cope.
Boston Marathon Killing
An explosion at the finish line of a Boston Marathon killed three people, and severely injured another 200 bystanders and active joggers. Two pressure cooker bombs exploded about 12 seconds apart. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev were the identified suspects, with Tamerlan Tsarnaev being shot to death in a confrontation with police. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was later found on a boat and arrested.
Instances of Solidarity Around The World
There has been an outpouring of solidarity and support to the LGBT community and those that survived the shooting. Support has come from ordinary citizens as well as celebrities, entertainers, American Muslims, and the president.
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