It is that season again! Election season brings out a slew of dramatic happenings, political wars, and the political animals out in all of us.

Fortunately, election season also brings about some of the best humor in politics; even the animals are getting into the fun.

Relax this summer, turn off the news for a moment, and enjoy these furry animals that look suspiciously like famous politicians.

Let’s start off with a couple of our current presidential hopefuls.

Photo Via The Bright
Photo Via The Bright

This bunny seems to have Jeb Bush’s blank stare and pursed lips down perfectly.

Photo Via Bored Panda
Photo Via Bored Panda

Beyond the signature Trump hair, this bunny has even perfected that misogynistic glance.

Photo Via The Bright
Photo Via The Bright

This elephant seal either has practiced this ridiculous Senator Ted Cruz impression, or it was just born unlucky.

Photo Via Listener
Photo Via Listener

This picture right here encapsulates the political career of President George Bush.

Photo Via Listener
Photo Via Listener

There isn’t a complete photo montage until you throw a feline Hitler in the mix.

Photo Via Listener
Photo Via Listener

How could you not follow Hitler with Putin? That Dog is frightening; I wonder if it has a shirtless calendar.

Photo Via The Hypervigilant Observer
Photo Via The Hypervigilant Observer

Tom Reed (R-NY) is looking pretty green these days. No, wait, he’s in the other picture. Tricky.

Photo Via Haber 365
Photo Via Haber 365

Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, and his doppelganger. The resemblance is uncanny.

Photo Via Buzzfeed
Photo Via Buzzfeed

Paul Ryan (R-WI) has found his twin brother, at last, the family can persecute all non-Christians together.

Just because I love this picture so much, here is a bonus…

Photo Via The Bright
Photo Via The Bright

Ben Carson is moonlighting as an actor; Spongebob Squarepants has dropped its standards.

Check out this video for more hilarious animal comparisons to celebrities and politicians:

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