Laurel and Rachel Bowman-Cryer, victims of homophobic harassment for standing up to a fundie baker (image courtesy Beth Nakamura, The Oregonian)
Laurel and Rachel Bowman-Cryer, victims of homophobic harassment for standing up to a fundie baker (image courtesy Beth Nakamura, The Oregonian)

Three years ago, a lesbian couple in Portland wanted to get a wedding cake–only to have a baker turn them down, citing their Christian beliefs. While state officials ultimately found in favor of the couple, an ugly campaign of harassment has kept them from enjoying their victory. And it’s all because the bakers posted their home address on Facebook.

Laurel and Rachel Bowman-Cryer first came to national attention in 2013, when they tried to get a wedding cake from Sweet Cakes by Melissa, a Gresham bakery owned by Melissa and Aaron Klein. However, when the Kleins found out that the couple was lesbian, they turned them down, saying as devout evangelical Christians, they couldn’t make a cake for an LGBT wedding. Laurel wrote about her experience on what she thought was a review site, and forgot about it.

It turned out that Laurel had actually visited the consumer complaint site for the Oregon Department of Justice, who launched an investigation. In a fit of pique, Aaron Klein posted the notice to his store’s Facebook page–with Rachel and Laurel’s address completely unredacted. Within days, the harassment began in full force. They were bombarded with ugly emails, some of which contained death threats.

The Kleins were making the rounds on secular and Christian media, saying they were the real victims. While Laurel wanted to call out the Kleins for their lies, Rachel didn’t think they could reply even if they wanted to. They were in the process of adopting their two foster daughters, Lizzy and Anastasia. The foster agreement required that the girls’ whereabouts be kept strictly private, and Rachel feared that if they went public, they could lose the girls. She convinced Laurel to ask the Department of Justice to drop the case.

However, the harassment continued unabated, along with the Kleins’ false claim of persecution. Finally, Rachel and Laurel–who had by then married–had enough. They complained to the state Bureau of Labor and Industries, hoping only to shut the Kleins’ publicity campaign down. What actually happened went well beyond Rachel and Laurel’s wildest dreams. The state awarded them $135,000.

According to the final order, bureau staffers were so outraged by the Kleins’ behavior that they wanted to fine the Kleins $150,000 for the emotional distress that resulted from the Kleins’ doxxing. However, bureau commissioner Brad Avakian concluded that Oregon law didn’t support a fine for “emotional harm relating to media attention.” He did find that the Kleins were guilty of egregious discrimination–hence the smaller fine.

Rachel and Laurel haven’t seen a penny of that money, as it is being held in escrow while the Kleins appeal. Meanwhile, the harassment continues. Rachel and Laurel shared some of the threatening texts, emails, and instant messages they have received in the last few months alone with The (Portland) Oregonian. Here’s a sample.

“I am buying up my ammo right now you filthy, ugly, disgusting, fat, stupid, cruel, anti-Christian piece of liberal scum. I am getting ready for the war so I hope you have a good hiding place, you sick, disgusting, miserable, piece of degenerate lesbian scum.”
“Filthy dirt bag. You are ruining this country, and we will not let you do it.”
“Your fight for cake led to death. Do you know how sick that is?”
“Happy Pride. Hope you don’t die.”
“Of course your Facebook is private. You live a life of sin then hide in it. You’re going to burn in hell for what you’re doing.”

The first two texts came in May, while Rachel and Lauren were waiting to put Anastasia on the school bus. There’s more where those came from. Watch Rachel and Laurel read some of the nastier ones to The Oregonian. Watch here (warning, NSFW).

The Kleins have racked up over $500,000 in donations over the last three years, and even traveled with Ted Cruz on his presidential campaign. They also helped Kirk Cameron’s BFF, Ray Comfort, distribute a viciously homophobic video last summer. But after seeing these threats, the Kleins might want to save some of that money. any harm were to come to Rachel, Laurel, or their daughters, a ballsy lawyer could argue that the Kleins are ultimately responsible since they put Rachel and Lauren’s address on social media.

Rachel and Lauren were forced to move as a result of the constant harassment, but it took them a long time to find a new house since many landlords didn’t want the publicity. Since Rachel was forced to quit her job at the Oregon Children’s Museum after the first wave of threats, they barely scraped by until starting an event-planning business. They finally broke their silence when they attended the Portland Pride parade in June, and aren’t willing to back down in the face of the threats. As Laurel puts it, “Fear is no way to live.”

Laurel couldn’t be more right. No one should have to live in fear–especially when it’s because someone sees fit to plaster your home address for all to see. Regardless of where you stand on marriage equality, the Kleins’ decision to plaster the Bowman-Cryers’ address on social media is one of the most outrageous things I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen a lot of outrageous behavior from fundies over the years.

After Avakian ruled against him, Aaron Klein whined that his family could be ruined if the fine is upheld. Um, Aaron? What about the emotional toll that Rachel and Laurel have had to endure because of the harassment that YOU caused when YOU plastered their address on Facebook? Did you think about that?

If the Kleins have anything left in them, they will apologize to the Bowman-Cryers and drop their appeal. Let’s tell the Kleins that they have no moral authority to pursue this further. Drop them a line on Facebook here. You can also email them at melissa at sweetcakesweb dot com. But please, be civil. Let’s show the Kleins we’re bigger than they are.