The Liberal Redneck, Trae Crowder, Is Very Happy That Clinton Won’t Be Charged

Our favorite Liberal Redneck is back again. He is very happy that Hillary Clinton is not getting charged for the emails. In the video below he gives a very epic and accurate description of Donald Trump:

“Hillary could email Kim Jong-Un my social security number a picture of my wife’s ti—s and I’d still vote for her over Donald Trump… Because you chose to nominate a cross between Scrooge McDuck and a pro wrestling manager, well here we are.”

Trae Crowder
Image via YouTube screengrab.

He begins the video by saying he is happier than “a Trump supporter at the county fair.” He said that he is happy that Trump will not win the election because of the emails. He may win because of stupid people, but that’s their problems.

I actually saw him perform at a theater in my hometown. He is absolutely hilarious. My favorite part was when he proposed that the LGBT movement should adopt the Confederate Flag, then the rednecks would get rid of it in a heartbeat. He said he would rather have his kids be gay than be an Alabama fan (fan of the University of Alabama’s football team).

He first gained notoriety with his “Liberal Redneck” videos on YouTube. He schooled the RWNJs on their “rights”:

“These people ’bout lost their damn minds! ‘Cause they think that their rights and their beliefs are being threatened. They say, ‘Well, I’m just standing up for what I believe! Does that make me a bigot?’

Well, if what you believe is a bunch of wacky, bigot-y shit, then… yeah! It totally does!”

Here is another gem from one of his videos on transgender rights:

“You do know that transgender people have existed forever, right? What bathrooms you think they been using?

“And what about little boys? The vast majority of people who prey on little boys are adult males, this all don’t affect them one way or the other. So unless you’re also suggesting that we have separate bathrooms for Catholic priests, I think you need to cut the shit.”

Here’s Crowder explaining why he is happy Clinton was not charged:

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog