In the wake of the horrific sniper shootings in Dallas which left five police officers dead and another seven people injured, Donald Trump reached out to New York Police Commissioner Bill Bratton and asked if he could arrange a photo-op to prove he supports cops.

As first reported by The New York Daily News, Trump placed a call to the New York Police Department and asked if he could speak to officers at a 3 p.m. roll call at the NYPD Midtown North Precinct. His idea was immediately rejected by Bratton, who commented:

“Our interest is staying out of the politics of the moment, and not to provide photo ops. If Mr. Trump wants to speak to me, I would be happy to brief him on what we’re doing. If Sen. Clinton wants to speak to me, I would very happy to brief her on what we’re doing. But we are not in the business of providing photo ops for our candidates.”

When contacted for a response, Trump campaign spokesperson Hope Hicks tried to deny her boss had ever called and requested such a thing:

Just last year, Trump ticked off the NYPD when he announced his ban on allowing Muslims into the United States if elected President. Commissioner Bratton said of that proposal:

“We have thousands of Muslim employees in the department, who are basically like the rest of us, who are citizens of this country who are concerned.”

As with all things Trump, he only wants to use others for his own purposes. He has no genuine concern for or interest in another person or group unless it benefits him in some way. Donald Trump is a textbook narcissist and sociopath.

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