Decoding The Election Issues – What You Need To Know (VIDEO)

If you are already tired of the election coverage, you are not alone.

Despite the amusement of the current Republican National Convention (RNC), and the anticipation of the upcoming Democratic National Convention, most Americans are already feeling election coverage fatigue.

According to a new Pew Research Center survey, nearly 6 out of 10 Americans feel worn out by the amount of election coverage. Nevertheless, interest in the elections is greater than ever. Another Pew survey reported 80 percent of registered voters giving “quite a lot” of the thought to the election (compared to 67% of voters in the previous election).

With interest in the election and frustration in the coverage both at a high, what do Americans want to hear about?

According to the Pew survey, it’s where the candidates stand on the issues. The problem is comparing  Donald Trump’s (R-N.Y.) improvisational approach to policy and plans that have widely been described as “vague” to former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton’s (D-N.Y.) “wonkish” polish, and detailed policy papers on a broad range of issues.

Given the difference in style (and Twitter feud between the two candidates), it’s sometimes challenging to focus on substance. Thankfully, perhaps as a counterpoint to the cacophony of coverage of the RNC, a number of in-depth articles of the candidates’ viewpoints have been released in recent days.

Topic-Specific Articles Covering The Candidates’ Stances:

  • Economic Issues: here Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Stand on Economic Issues, as published by the Wall Street Journal July 19, 2016.
  • Immigration: Compare the candidates: Clinton vs. Trump on immigration, according to a July 15, 2016 Politifact report.
  • Education: Compare the Candidates: Where Do Clinton and Trump Stand on Education? An EdWeek report published online July 15, 2016.
  • Foreign Policy: Compare the Presidential Candidates on Foreign Policy, a report from the Council on Foreign Relations.

Additionally, some new commentary focuses on the limitations of Trump’s plans. Chairperson of the Democratic National Committee Debbie Wassermann Schultz, for example, reminded the Fox Business audience about the drawbacks of Trump’s economic agenda.

For those interested in revisiting other issues, consider taking a look at Ballotpedia. It’s an online encyclopedia of the U.S. elections that provides summaries of each candidate’s stances.

And for those who prefer to find humor in the RNC three-ring circus, there’s plenty of that here too. Check out Twitter Lights Up With Hilarious New Hashtag: #FamousMelaniaTrumpQuotes.

Watch the Trump vs. Hillary responses on O’Reilly Factor:

Featured Image: Screenshot Of YouTube Video.