A New Mexico restaurant has sparked internet outrage. A very punny sign is pissing people off. The Black Lives Matter movement has sparked protests and riots all over the country. It started because of the rash of black people being killed by police officers. We had the recent shooting of Philando Castile in Minnesota.

Paisano’s Italian Restaurant in New Mexico was advertising a new dish, and they put up a sign that said: “Black Olives Matter: Try Our Tapenade.”

The owner, Rick Camuglia, said:

“We put up what we thought was a cute play on words, which we do commonly here at the restaurant. We were trying to promote our pan-seared Ahi tuna with a black olive tapenade relish. And so we put ‘black olives matter, try our tapenade.’”

Some of the Facebook commenters have complained that their posts are being taken down from the restaurant’s page.

One of the comments was:

“What is happening in America saddens so many, even all the way in the southern hemisphere. I love a good joke, but there are things that you just don’t joke about.”

Also, there was this one:

“As a woman of color I find your posting offensive and in very bad taste. You simply wish to rub salt in an ugly festering wound which evil minded people refuse to allow to heal. The civilized world No longer has any tolerance for your hateful public display of what passes to you as humor. Young men and women are dying have a shred of humanity.”

One of the comments was:

“Trivializing deaths, abuse and racism, Classy.”

Here is one comment actually defending the owner:

“It’s ok to have a sense of humour. As a chef I understand that you weren’t trying to be offense. In our industry humour is the only thing that takes the stress away from our job. It’s unfortunate the only people who work in the trade will understand.”

Here is a picture of the offending sign:

Here is a news clip about the story. The owner still hasn’t apologized:



Image is a screengrab from YouTube.