There are some who try to portray presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton as cold, distant, and unfeeling. But what she did yesterday while in Florida might just change some minds when people see that she deliberately delayed the announcement of her running mate–Tim Kaine–so she could stop at the scene of the horrific Pulse nightclub shooting and lay flowers in tribute to those who died:

Image Via CNN Screengrab

Afterwards, the former Secretary of State met privately with the families of those who perished at the Pulse club. There was no press release from the campaign, and most of the media was anxiously waiting for the announcement of her running mate:

Clinton even told her staff that they too would have to wait for the Veep pick because she wanted to spend time with the families in Orlando. Do you suppose Donald Trump would ever do something so human, caring, or selfless?

Afterwards, Orlando commissioner Patty Sheehan thanked Clinton:

In the months ahead, the Republicans will continue to try and portray Hillary Clinton as the devil, a woman who cares only about herself. But her actions yesterday in Orlando prove they are wrong. More importantly, they reinforce what we always suspected about Donald Trump: It’s all about him.

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