A mad, angry cow terrorized a Longview, Washington, neighborhood after it got loose from its owner. After the owner and police attempted to reel it in, the cow charged at an officer, hitting him in the chest. This led to a wild chase of the cow, as it was determined to find something that many American humans take for granted: freedom.

Wild Cow Knocks Down An Officer

After the cow hit an officer in the chest, it was nailed by a police taser. Unfortunately, that was futile, as the cow hardly reacted to it.

The owner, the policeman, and employees from the local Humane Society, worked together to try to corner and capture the cow. Even though an adult cow can easily weigh over 2000 pounds, they are surprisingly nimble, with many civilians recording the incident on their smartphones.

Unfortunately, the cow had to be put down. With the owner’s permission, the officer shot the cow.

Farm Animals Had Enough Of Your Shit

This occurrence comes on the heels of an incident that took place in Georgia, where another farm animal escaped the grasps of humanity.

A resident of Cobb County was met with Marietta police at her door, with the police informing her that her goats have escaped. She recently hired 30 goats to help clean up weeds that were taking over her new property. The 30 goats were obtained from getyourgoatsrental.com.

On their first night in the neighborhood, all 30 goats found a weak spot in the fencing surrounding the perimeter of the property.

All 30 goats spilled out into the neighborhood streets. It took about six officers and the goat’s owner to herd them, after they were found munching away on a neighbor’s backyard.

Watch this video of the runaway cow for more information:


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