WATCH: Newest Clinton Ad Links Trump To Putin, Russia

Earlier this week, former head of the CIA, Michael Morell, penned an op-ed in which he claimed that GOP nominee Donald Trump is an unwitting agent of Vladimir Putin and Russia. And now the Clinton for President campaign is turning up the heat on that front with an ad which raises five basic questions every American voter must ask:

  • Why is Trump so damn fascinated with Putin in the first place?
  • Why does Trump have a campaign manager–Paul Manafort–with extensive ties to Russia?
  • Why does Trump talk about abandoning NATO, which would play right into the wishes of Russia?
  • Do Trump’s tax returns detail ties to Russian oligarchs and organized crime figures?
  • Why does Trump repeatedly say he wants the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton and release her emails?

If indeed Donald Trump is in the pocket of the Russians and he were to win the election in November, this entire nation–and by extension the world–would be threatened by Russian hegemony and continued aggressive actions by Putin against independent nations he believes should be under Russian control.

Never has the choice been clearer in a Presidential election. If Trump wins, chaos will reign across the globe. Though Clinton may not be a perfect candidate, she at least will keep Putin and the Russians in check and let them know the United States will not sit by and watch as they attempt to regain their oppressive foothold across portions of Europe and the Baltic.

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