WATCH: Duck Dynasty Patriarch Threatens To Run For President On This Ridiculously Bigoted Platform

According to the conservative news outlet, Right Wing Watch, Phil Robertson, the Duck Dynasty patriarch, is threatening to run for president. I say threatening because this is a scary prospect.

Image via YouTube screengrab.

He said:

“I can’t tell you how to vote, if they keep fooling around long enough, they’re going to force me to run. If you want to see a change in America, get me in there, dude, and there will be a big change then, if you all are ready for it.”

This part is particularly scary:

“You call it secularism. I just call it the Evil One, the Evil One that controls human beings. That’s what I call it. So when you see a lot of murder and you see a lot of lies, you say, according to Jesus, the Son of God, he said you can attribute that to the Devil’s work.”

This guy is an extremist Christian. He is declaring war on secularism. Now that is a scary platform to run on.

By definition, secularism is:

“…A belief system that rejects religion, or the belief that religion should not be part of the affairs of the state or part of public education. The principles of separation of church and state and of keeping religion out of the public school system are an example of secularism.”

No, Phil, secularism is not an “Evil One.” It is a very important part of our government. It is in the First Amendment. We can’t have any established religion and we need to separate the church and the government. Robertson may not realize this, but not everyone in America is a Christian.

This guy says sh*t like this all the time. Phil also had to butt in on the transgender bathroom debate when we were talking about that. He said:

“Men should use the men’s bathroom and women should use the women’s bathroom. Just because a man may ‘feel’ like a woman doesn’t mean he should be able to share a bathroom with my daughter, or yours. That used to be called common sense. Now it’s called bigoted.”

These people really scare me. We can’t let these bigots into politics. Just keep them on their TV shows.

Witness the spectacle for yourself:

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog