New Poll Has HORRIBLE News For One New York Resident Seeking To Be POTUS

Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump live in New York. Trump was born in the Empire State, and the former Secretary of State calls it her adopted home. But the voters in New York are clearly on the side of one candidate and rejecting the other by a gigantic margin.

A just-released poll from the Siena Research Institute shows Clinton currently beating Trump by 30 points, 57 percent to 27 percent in New York state, which, it should be noted, has 29 electoral votes.

When it comes to the subject of favorability, the gap is even wider. 51 percent of voters view Clinton favorably and 46 percent unfavorably. For Trump, the numbers are nothing short of staggering and historic: 24 percent of New Yorkers have a favorable opinion of Trump, compared to 72 percent who view him unfavorably.

Granted, New York is a heavily Democratic state, so some of this is to be expected, but 30 points?!

Clinton is also getting crossover support from New York Republicans: 55 percent of Republicans say they would vote for Trump, but 24 percent say they will cast their ballot for Clinton. 9 percent of GOP members in New York say they will not vote.

Trump also has a poor showing on the issues, with only 50 percent of those surveyed saying he’d be better than Clinton on “addressing tensions between the police and communities of color.” 53 percent think he’d make a better commander-in-chief, while 56 percent believe he’d work better with Congress.

It’s only August, but these numbers show there’s no reason for the Trump camp to even bother with campaigning in their candidate’s home state. New York is a lost cause for the Donald.

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