Whiny Trump Keeps Begging Foreign Leaders For ‘Donations’ – It Could Land Him In Jail (VIDEO)

The Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, is no stranger to stupid remarks. Now, he keeps asking foreign leaders for donations for his campaign. This is highly illegal. Many people are calling for a Justice Department investigation. He is raising money through illegal means.

Image via YouTube screengrab.

One reporter found this:



His entire campaign needs to be investigated since he won’t stop trying to solicit illegal donations. If the Trump campaign has solicited and accepted money from foreign leaders, then some of them might end up in prison.

This topic has come up before. In July, The Washington Times reported that Trump was emailing leaders in Iceland, Scotland, Britain, and Australia.

Paul S. Ryan, deputy executive director of the Campaign Legal Center, said:

“It is a no-brainer that it violates the law to send fundraising emails to members of a foreign government on their official foreign government email accounts, and yet, that’s exactly what Trump has done repeatedly.”

He also said:

“If the FEC fails to take action on our complaint, it could send a message that Trump and other candidates have the green light to fundraise overseas.” 

This is not the first time that the Trump family has asked for money from foreign leaders. Trump’s son emailed a Scottish Parliament Member asking for money. She crucified him with this response:

“Quite why you think it appropriate to write emails to UK parliamentarians with a begging bowl for your father’s repugnant campaign is completely beyond me. Given his rhetoric on migrants, refugees and immigration, it seems quite extraordinary that he would be asking foreign nationals for money; especially people who view his dangerous divisiveness with horror.”

“The thought of his reactionary type of politics and apparent ignorance of world affairs having access to a seat at the world table is both surreal, and terrifying. The above is a long way to say No, and do not contact me again.”

Either Trump’s campaign is THAT bad off or he just doesn’t care how illegal this is. This is a presidential campaign. He needs to go to prison for this blatant violation of campaign rules. A man this reckless should not be in any position of power.

Watch as The Young Turks explain just how illegal this is:

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