The cheerleaders for Donald Trump over at Fox News have had it! They don’t want to hear about new polls which show the 2016 election slipping away from the Orange Menace and down-ballot Republicans.
Yesterday on the Fox show “The Five,” co-host Eric Bolling loudly declared:
“We have to stop with these polls, they’re insane! You look at a Trump rally! There’s 12, 15, — 10 thousand people!”
Fellow host Dana Perino chided Bolling for his massive ignorance, telling him:
“That’s a real disservice to his supporters to lie to them that those polls don’t matter. You can not take 12,000 people at a rally that are your definite supporters, that are going to show up and campaign, and then say the polls are wrong.”
But Bolling refused to relent:
“Size of crowds is more indicative of following.”
The four other hosts began looking at Bolling with bewilderment, as if wondering: How can one person be so damn stupid? Oh yeah, now we now: He works for Fox News and he’s a Trump supporter.
After the show had ended, Perino was still taking jabs at Bolling on Twitter:
In 2012, I fell for "the polls are wrong" mantra. I felt sick election night, realizing I'd been suckered into a fall sense of complacency.
— Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) August 18, 2016
Romney was not going to win in spite of the "rigged polls" – and I vowed that night that I would NEVER EVER fall for that again
— Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) August 18, 2016
The Dems start with 242 electoral college votes to win. They need 270. Even I can do that math – it isn't hard.
— Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) August 18, 2016
By Bolling’s logic, if crowd size indicated who was going to win, Bernie Sanders would now be the Democratic nominee and well on his way to the White House. But elections are won at the ballot box, not at campaign rallies. Yes, there’s still lots of time left in this election, and Democrats cannot get complacent. But based on what is showing up in the polls right now, Donald Trump and the GOP are toast.
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