A woman pulled over for drunk driving made a pretty big mistake. The woman, 42-year-old Chenoa N.A. Taylor, of Madison, Wisconsin, would not get out of the car when pulled over.
It was at 1:09 a.m. Wednesday. She was driving down State Street, which doesn’t allow regular traffic. The officer pointed her flashlight at the driver and yelled for her to slow down.
She caught the officer’s attention when she was going 40 miles per hour down the street, which connects the town square together. She came within one foot of hitting a bicyclist.
The suspect wouldn’t get out of the car. Instead, she cracked open another beer and kept drinking.
It took several officers to get her out of her car and under control.
She was arrested for reckless driving endangering safety, second-offense operating while intoxicated, a driver having open intoxicants in a moving vehicle, resisting and operating without a valid license.
Surprisingly, this is not the funniest DUI story out there.
A man in Wisconsin was charged with drunk driving and is going to prison. When he was stopped, the man blamed the beer-battered fish meal he had eaten for his intoxication. The man, 76-year-old John Przybyla, has been sentenced to seven years in prison and four years of extended supervision.
I swear, I searched for more stories in other places, but I found more from Wisconsin. One woman, 49-year-old Mary Strey, called the police on herself when she was driving while intoxicated. She was found slurring her words and she couldn’t pass any sobriety field tests.
Now, let’s take the tour of stupid to Ohio. A college student was arrested for drunk driving while he was dressed as a breathalyzer for Halloween. He was caught driving the wrong direction down a one-way street. He had a blood-alcohol level that was twice the legal limit, and he had multiple IDs on him.
The lesson here, kids, is don’t drive drunk. Ever.
Here is a video from a law firm talking about what you don’t have to do during a DUI stop:
Featured image via Channel 3000 News.