Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s powerful new ad ties supporters of her rival, Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump support directly to white supremacist organizations, especially the Ku Klux Klan.

It begins with a speaker in Klan regalia, who says:

“The reason a lot of Klan members like Donald Trump is because a lot of what he believes, we believe in.”

From there, the ads shift to a picture of the Confederate Flag and a man giving the Nazi salute at what appears to be a Trump rally. The Klan speaker,  now identified as the Imperial Wizard of the Rebel Brigade of the Knights of the KKK, tells a reporter,

“Trump would be best for the job.”

Ties to Famous Racists

Next up is CNN footage of Jared Taylor, the founder of American Renaissance, a white supremacist online publication. He says that Trump’s support for deporting undocumented immigrants, building the wall and a moratorium on Muslim immigration are

“very appealing to a lot of ordinary white people.”

The ad quotes David Duke’s statement that voting against Trump is “treason to your [white] heritage,” while video shows a young David Duke at an apparent Klan event. Then we see Trump’s response to calls for him to reject Duke’s endorsement:

“I don’t know about white supremacists.”

It does not mention that Trump eventually disavowed Duke’s support, however ambivalently.

Trump’s New Campaign Manager

The ad also criticizes Trump’s choice of Stephen K. Bannon as his new campaign chief. Until he joined Trump’s campaign, Bannon led Breitbart News,  a controversial conservative web publisher. Using CNN footage, the ad identifies Bannon and Breitbart as leaders in the alt-right movement, which unidentified speakers describe as “neo-Nazis in suits.”

The White House In Shadow

At the end, shadows fall over the White House.We hear supporters chanting Trump’s name. The Imperial Wizard repeats his statement.  Then, a visual:

“If he wins, they could be running the country.”

As Politico reported, Trump said that calling his supporters racists was the oldest trick in the Democratic playbook. But white supremacist groups like the KKK actually are racist. As they say down South, if you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

Check out the new ad here:

Featured Image: Screenshot Via YouTube Video.