BREAKING: Deplorable Trump Supporter Slaps Protesters In Head At Rally (VIDEO)

Donald Trump has been saying for the past few days that he’s deeply offended Hillary Clinton called some of his supporters “a basket of deplorables” late last week, and tonight at a campaign rally, Trump had members of the audience come onstage and say they too were upset by Clinton’s comments. Trump introduced them this way:

“Let me invite onto the stage some of our wonderful supporters who can tell you themselves what they think of her very horrible statements that she made three days ago. These are not deplorable people. That I could tell you.”

But about the same time Trump was attempting this shameless bit of publicity, some protesters in the audience stood and began shouting. As they were escorted out of the arena by security, one of the Orange Menace’s rabid acolytes slapped them in the head and screamed at them. Watch this video from ABC News:

Nah, nothing the least bit deplorable about that kind of behavior, is there? Yet this is emblematic of the entire Trump campaign since he entered the race last year. We have seen repeated violence against protesters at his rallies, and Trump himself has even encouraged his fans to assault anyone who dares to speak out at a campaign event, going to so far as to say he would gladly pay their legal bills if they do so.

Face it, Trump and those who see him as their own personal savior is a thug, a bully, and a threat to the security of the United States. His Trumpkin faithful are also dangerous, and perfectly fit the definition of deplorable, which is shown below:


deserving strong condemnation.
“the deplorable conditions in which most prisoners are held”

If that doesn’t perfectly describe both Trump and his army of moronic troglodytes, then I don’t know what does.