TAKE THAT, TRUMP! Pis*ed Off POTUS Says He’s On The Ballot In November

If you were wondering exactly how President Obama feels about the rise of Donald Trump and the 2016 election, he made himself crystal clear last night when he spoke to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation dinner in Washington.

The President began by saying that he expects–in fact challenges– the coalition that got him elected and reelected to also show up for Hillary Clinton. If they don’t, Obama warned, it would be “a personal insult, an insult to my legacy.”

President Obama even said that in many ways, his name is also on the ballot:

“My name may not be on the ballot, but our progress is on the ballot. Tolerance is on the ballot. Democracy is on the ballot. Justice is on the ballot. Good schools are on the ballot. Ending mass incarceration, that’s on the ballot right now.

“Hope is on the ballot. And fear is on the ballot too.”

While he was at it, the President also took some very direct jabs at Donald Trump, telling an enthusiastic audience, his voice dripping with sarcasm:

“ISIL, North Korea, poverty, climate change — none of those things weighed on my mind like the validity of my birth certificate

“To think, that with just 124 days to go, just under the wire, we got that resolved. That’s a boost for me in the home stretch. In other breaking news, the world is round, not flat.”

In a much more serious tone, Obama said it appears Trump:

“Missed that whole civics lesson about slavery and Jim Crow.”

If, as some have suggested, Hillary Clinton needs a last-minute “secret weapon” to help her reach the White House with less than two months left in the race, she has indeed found it. It goes by the name of President Barack Obama.

Give ’em hell, Mr. President!

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