Ellie DeLano went to Target with her daughter. She had to stop at the restroom before proceeding with her shopping. She sat down in the last stall in the woman’s restroom. No one else was using the facilities at the time.
Another lady came in and, instead of going to one of the empty stalls, she comes up to DeLano’s stall and looked at her a little too long before moving on to one of the other stalls.
DeLano finished her business and went to wash her hands. The lady said:
“Sorry about that. But, you know, Target lets men and homosexuals use just any bathroom. I was making sure you were a woman.”
Is this what we have to deal with now? Some people are so terrified of peeing next to a transgender person that they would have become bathroom police. I would definitely rather have to pee next to a transgender woman than have someone staring at me while I have my pants down.
DeLano said:
“I walked out, utterly gobsmacked, and it wasn’t until I caught up with my daughter and told her the whole ridiculous story that I realized the complete and utter irony of it. This woman deliberately made me feel horribly uncomfortable just because she was uncomfortable with the extremely vague possibility of someone being different from expected behind a closed and locked stall door.”
DeLano’s daughter happens to be gay. The daughter joked and asked her mom if she told the creeper that she has a gay daughter. DeLano joked and said she was afraid she might be sprayed with hand sanitizer.
Also, the homophobic woman staring at her in the bathroom was still giving money to Target by shopping there. The hatred needs to stop.
Here is the awesome video about Target and the bathroom issue from our favorite Liberal Redneck, Trae Crowder:
Featured image by Mike Mozart Via FLickr/CC-By-SA-2.0 license.