Alabama, along with 20 other states, is suing the Obama administration over a rule that would extend overtime pay to over 4 million workers who could really use it.

The plan is set to go into effect in December, and it will give overtime pay for people making less than $47,000 a year.

The lawsuit says that this places an undue burden on their states. Alabama Attorney General Strange said:

“Once again, the Obama Administration has illegally expanded its own authority without thinking about the costs or consequences to the American people. State budgets are already tight, and this one-size-fits-all rule could result in layoffs, understaffed government offices, and long lines for basic services.”

Under current laws, anyone making over $23,660 a year can be paid like a salaried professional and not get any overtime. They may receive straight-time overtime, but not any extra for working more than 40 hours a week. This new rule would increase the amount of people eligible for overtime from 7 percent up to 35 percent.

The other states joining Alabama in this lawsuit are Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah and Wisconsin.

Nevada Attorney General, Adam Laxalt, said:

“This rule, pushed by distant bureaucrats in D.C., tramples on state and local government budgets, forcing states to shift money from other important programs to balance their budgets, including programs intended to protect the very families that purportedly benefit from such federal overreach.”

The critics are saying that this will cost the states too much money. They also argue that the Obama administration didn’t take into account the regional cost of living in each state.

The U.S. Labor Secretary Thomas Perez, said that the rule was sound policy, and these states are just trying to avoid paying their employees a reasonable wage. Perez said:

“I look forward to vigorously defending our efforts to give more hardworking people a meaningful chance to get by.”

Here is a segment from The Young Turks about this overtime rule:

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