Scientists from The World Health Organization, or WHO, came out with a statement Tuesday affirming that nine out of ten people live in an area where air pollution significantly exceeds guidelines.
In their press release, Doctor Flavia Bustreo, the Assistant Director-General for WHO, stated:
“Air pollution continues to take a toll on the health of the most vulnerable populations — women, children, and the older adults. For people to be healthy, they must breathe clean air from their first breath to their last.”
In collaboration with the University of Bath, United Kingdom, WHO has come forth with some of the most detailed air-pollution health data that they have ever released. A combination of satellite measurements, ground station monitors, and air transport models have delivered alarming results from more than 3,000 countries worldwide.
Indoor and outdoor air pollution accounts for more than 6.5 million deaths per year, mostly arising from non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, strokes, lung cancer, and cardiopulmonary disease, all culminating from the toxins we take in each and every day.
As environmental scientists have been preaching for years, the major contributors to these health issues are household fuel and waste burning, coal-fired power plants, inefficient transportation, and industrial activities. Though some natural effects such as dust storms can increase these levels, as well, natural incidences are the smallest portion of air pollutants in the world today.
WHO Director, Doctor Maria Neira commented on the importance of quick action by saying:
“Fast action to tackle air pollution can’t come soon enough. Solutions exist with sustainable transport in cities, solid waste management, access to clean household fuels and cookstoves, as well as renewable energies and industrial emissions reductions.”
Let’s hope someone starts to listen.
This video brings to life some of the most pressing issues of air pollution around the world.
Featured Image Via kartal8167