Chaos descended upon a Delray Beach McDonald’s restaurant after an altercation between two employees turned into an all-out brawl. The entire incident was captured on cell phone camera by a customer.

The episode began when manager Fiona Pierson got into an argument with 20-year-old Jennifer Daout over work hours. Daout refused to go home, despite being told to do so repeatedly and according to witnesses, her temper got the better of her. She grabbed a tray from a table and used it to hit another employee who was sitting nearby; co-worker, Alexus Dutervil intervened by grabbing the tray in an attempt to calm things down.

Escalating Violence

Daout then moved behind the counter and allegedly began throwing punches and pulling Dutervil’s hair.

According to the police report, Daout threw a muffin holder at Dutervil, struck her on the forehead with her finger multiple times and then punched her in the head. Dutervil exited the building via the back of the restaurant but Daout followed her. The assault continued outside unabated, with Daout allegedly hitting Dutervil in the face with a grill cleaner and only relenting after Dutervil ran to the front of the burger joint and locked the door.

Denial Of Wrongdoing

A customer, apparently unaware of what was occurring unlocked the door, allowing Daout to re-enter the premises, at which point the police arrived and broke the fight up.

Dutervil apparently suffered several lacerations to both her neck and left arm.

Delray Beach Police Department arrested Daout and she is facing a charge of simple battery. Despite the existence of the cell phone video evidence, Daout has denied physically touching Dutervil.

The video is not available for embedding, but you can watch raw footage of the fight spiral out of control at 25WPBF News.


Featured image via video at 25WPBF News.