Barbara Bush Pierce, daughter of President George W. Bush, was pictured in a Twitter post with one of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s aides, Huma Abedin. The post has since been edited, but the original caption said, “We’re with her.”
Here is the original post:

They posted the same picture on Instagram with the caption:
“Hillblazing at home in Paris #imwithher.”
It was up for less than an hour before it was taken down. A lot of people were very angry about it.
A reporter tweeted it, but without the “With Her” part:
— Derek Blasberg (@DerekBlasberg) October 1, 2016
Another shot of her in Paris:
Donald Trump is not doing well with mainstream Republicans. This is compared to the 80 plus Republican endorsements that Hillary Clinton has gotten.
Barbara Bush Pierce is not the first Bush to come out against Donald Trump. Former President George H.W. Bush has said that he is voting for Hillary Clinton. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend visited the former president.
She posted a picture of the two of them saying:
“The president is voting for Hillary Clinton.”
None of the living former presidents will endorse Donald Trump. They know what the job entails, and they know that Trump is not qualified.
President Barack Obama has said that Hillary Clinton is the most qualified candidate:
The wife of President George H.W. Bush, Barbara Bush, has said that she can’t vote for Donald Trump. After the primary debates, Barbara Bush made this comment about Donald Trump’s treatment of Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly:
“He’s like a comedian, or like a showman or something […] I don’t know how women can vote for someone who said what he said about Megyn Kelly. It’s terrible. And we knew what he meant, too.”
She is referring to the incident that happened after the Republican debate during the primaries. Trump whined that Megyn Kelly was too hard on him, and he said:
“You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her whatever. In my opinion, she was off-base.”
I’m glad to see some Republicans that are sane.
Featured image via Twitter.