Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump loves saying he’s going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. This Mexican brewery says Trump is going to pay for beer, instead.
‘Donald Trump Is Gonna Pay For Our Beers’
A small brewery headquartered in Mexicali, a border town in the Mexican state of Baja California, recently trolled Trump supporters in southern California.
Mario García, founder of Cerveza Cucapá, had this response when he heard about Trump’s statement that Mexico would pay for the wall. As reported by Vice, on their Munchies channel:
” … The idea for the campaign came about ‘after that infamous clip where [Trump] said, “Mexico will pay for the wall, they just don’t know it yet.” So we decided, Well, Donald Trump is gonna pay for our beers, even though he doesn’t know it yet.’
While Cucapá could not force the weasel-haired tycoon to open his checkbook, they decided that the next best thing would be for Trump supporters to cover the costs. So they began hawking what looked like pro-Trump T-shirts in affluent areas like Venice Beach, Hollywood Boulevard, and Huntington Beach.”
García printed t-shirts that featured Donald Trump’s face and the words “I Support Donald.” Or so the buyers thought:
“Unbeknownst to the buyers was that rising temperatures would lead the slogan on the shirts to change to ‘Donald el que lo lea,’ a variation of a childish but well-known Mexican saying. The phrase makes little sense if translated into English (‘Whoever reads this is Donald’) but García says they chose it precisely because it’s an in-joke that only Mexicans and Mexican-Americans will understand.”
Proceeds from the sale of the shirts will fund a party planned for this Thursday. García says he wants to be able to give away free beer all over Mexico, courtesy of the Donald:
“…So that everyone gets a beer paid for by Donald Trump.”
Silly? Absolutely. But I think we all need a little levity these days.
And if this company sells enough t-shirts to give away free beer, more power to them!
Watch the hilarious video here:
Featured Image via screenshot from YouTube video