CNN Host Asks Trump Campaign Mgr: If Hillary Is A Bad Candidate, Why Is Trump Losing? (VIDEO)

Things have gotten so bad for the Trump campaign that now even his most ardent supporters are admitting that nothing short of a miracle will deliver victory for the GOP nominee. And that was the question CNN host Anderson Cooper asked of Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway last night on his show.

Conway tried to spin the question, telling Cooper she didn’t think the current polls–which show Hillary Clinton with an average lead of 9 points–were including all of Trump’s voters. And then she stepped right into a trap of her own making, wondering aloud why a candidate like Clinton, who has the President and First Lady campaigning on her behalf, along with lots of money, cannot manage to break 46 percent support in those same polls. Cooper fired back:

“I’m not arguing she’s a the great candidate, but why can’t your candidate defeat somebody who you’re saying is not a very good candidate?”

Unable to give a plausible response to Cooper’s query, Conway essentially just repeated herself:

“She has so many advantages. She has endless money, she has a lot of the media. She has a very popular president and First Lady out there campaigning for her. I’m mystified as to why she can’t get to those 52, 53% numbers in some of these states, given the disadvantages we’re handed every day.”

Awww…poor widdle Kellyanne. Poor widdle Trumpie. They say the cards are all stacked against them because they can’t admit the most basic facts, such as these:

  • Trump is the most noxious and repellent Presidential candidate since George Wallace
  • The vast majority of American voters were horrified by the things Trump said about how he likes to sexually assault women
  • Trump has no real plan for any problem which faces the United States
  • Trump is a bully, a con man, and a douchebag

If Conway and her fellow Trump cohorts want to know why they’re so far behind, all they have to do it look at the Cheeto Head fronting their ticket.

Featured Image Via CNN Screengrab