Today in New Hampshire, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton campaigned with Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) for the very first time, and the two of them went to town on Clinton’s rival, Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump.

Just when Trump started performing as what some mainstream outlets called ‘decently’ during the third presidential debate, he just had to start showing off, didn’t he? It was towards the end of that last debate that he called Clinton a “nasty woman” under his breath.

Boy is he going to regret doing that, and probably for every single day for the rest of his life.

It’s ironic, you know. Trump made that comment about Clinton probably thinking it was what each of his supporters was thinking at that moment – and they probably were. He probably thought his saying it would make everyone watching the debate see her as that really, deep down nasty woman he and his supporters think she is.

Unfortunately for Trump, however, his attempt to make Clinton look like a pariah totally backfired, and in the best way imaginable for her.

Nasty Women Unite

Trump’s Nasty Woman comment has since become the single most powerful rallying cry for women of all ages nationwide in favor of Clinton, and both she and Sen. Warren did an awesome job at rubbing it in at today’s rally, too.

Sen. Warren mirrored her unafraid and unabashed Twitter attitude towards Trump when she spoke of him to excited rally-goers, reminding them just how much The Donald disrespects women, minorities, and more than “half of the human beings” in America.

Sen. Warren destroyed Trump in the most awesome way possible when she said:

“He thinks because he has money that he can call women fat pigs and bimbos. He thinks because he is a celebrity he can rate women’s bodies from one to ten. He thinks that because he has a mouth full of Tic Tacs that he can force himself on any woman within groping distance.”

If that wasn’t enough – and you can bet your britches for these two awesome Nasty Women it wasn’t – Sen. Warren continued:

“I got news for you, Donald Trump. Women have had it with guys like you. And nasty women have really had it with guys like you. Get this, Donald, Nasty women, are tough.” 

Then, to the cheers of the crowd, Sen. Warren warned these same men of what to expect from so-called “nasty women” when she said:

Nasty women are smart, and nasty women vote. And on November 8th, we nasty women are going to march our nasty feet to cast our nasty votes to get you out of our lives forever.”

Now if that isn’t poetic justice, I don’t know what is…

Breaking Out The Big Guns

On Sunday October 23, Clinton campaigned in North Carolina for the first time with First Lady Michelle Obama. The Nasty Team of Nasty Women really got their game on, jabbing Trump left and right.

Clinton thoroughly enjoyed giving Trump yet another taste of the strong woman she is, and explained how American Democracy works. According to another Liberal America writer:

“[Clinton] pointed out Trump’s horrifying comments as a ‘direct threat to our democracy.’ She is referring to the last debate when Trump said he wouldn’t respect the results of the election … the peaceful transition of power is what our democracy is about.”

Oh, right – that ‘nasty old woman’ at the top of the ticket who gave Trump a hell of a tongue lashing a few times these last couple of weeks, Hillary Clinton herself.

Show Trump’s supporters just how nasty you are — get a Nasty Woman t-shirt here, then join women nationwide to shout the rallying cry with Hillary and Sen. Warren. Watch Sen. Warren and Clinton’s remarks in full here:


Featured Image: Screenshot Via Twitter.