Planting Peace, a nonprofit organization dedicated to spreading peace in the world, purchased the house across the street from the Westboro Baptist Church in 2013. The organization soon painted the house the colors of the rainbow, started flying pride flags, and dubbed the home The Equality House to show support for the LGBT community.

Over the last week, The Equality House has been targeted by vandals. It is yet another example of the anger and violence that has taken our country by storm during this ugly election season.

Image Provided By Aaron Jackson, Via NBC News
Image Provided By Aaron Jackson, Via NBC News

Aaron Jackson, the president of Planting Peace, was in the house on Sunday, October 23, when he heard noises outside. He called the police and discovered the house’s pride flags had been thrown into the street.

In addition, vandals had graffitied the phrase “fuk fags” in black spray paint on the side of the house.

Just a few days later, members of Planting Peace discovered seven bullet holes in a window of the house. Luckily, no one was inside at the time. Police are still investigating.

The Equality House has long served as an important symbol for the LGBT community. Located in Topeka, the capital of Kansas, the house sits directly across the street from the Westboro Baptist Church. Westboro was founded by Fred Phelps, and members of the church regularly picket funerals, plays, and gay weddings, accompanied by a series of signs with offensive slogans like “God Hates Fags.”

There is currently no evidence that the Westboro Baptist Church or its members were responsible for the attacks.

Speaking with Huffington Post, Jackson said of the issues facing the country and the LGBT community:

“The blatant acts of hate we experience at the Equality House mirror the acts of hate and discrimination our LGBT family experiences every day. Planting Peace has seen an increase in hate mail, death threats and physical acts of vandalism and violence over the past three months. According to the FBI, the LGBT community is more likely to experience a hate crime than any other minority group.”

Even as these attacks continue, Planting Peace will continue to preach peace, love, and acceptance. Not long after the attacks, they tweeted out the following:

Thoughts and prayers are nice, but if you really want to help Planting Peace, check out their website and donate to their cause.

Featured Image By Aaron Jackson Via NBC News